Thursday, April 10, 2008

How Can God Love People?

Think about how stupid humans are. Just think about it...why does God bother to love us? Even people who write really deep books on philosophy and's all childish. Even when you are trying to be humble about are still so childish. Think about it. We can only use words. We can only think about concepts that are in some way related to what we already know. We are so nothing. I mean...sin is our obvious flaw, but forget about even the stupidity of sin. Just think about the stupidity of our intelligence! I mean, think of how long it took for us to develop indoor plumbing. Yeah, we can clone, but...we are still using fossil fuels and chopping down the rain forest. We aren't that smart. Why does God bother?

I'm living in Korea right now, and I ride the subway quite a bit, and there are just millions of other people on the subway--sometimes the breath is pushed out of you when they all pack in. And I think..."How can God do it? How can he love ALL of us?" B/c...I hardly care about anyone in the car I'm in--let alone the entire train! Let alone an entire high rise apartment! Let alone a block of them! Let alone the city of Seoul in a country the size of Indiana on an entire planet!!
How is it possible?

And it's not just the current people. It's all of them throughout history and the ones yet to come.

I look at an ant. It shares come characteristics with me. It's alive. It needs food. It wants to survive...but...I'm so much smarter than an ant, I could care less about it. It fascinates me for like...two seconds before I step on it. How can God love us?

And the thing is...God even cares about the ants! How?

How is that possible? Yes...I know it's all that stuff about how we are made in His image. I know that we are supposed to glorify Him. I know that He loves it when we seek Him. I know THAT He loves us....I know the answer! I just have no idea WHY. Just hover over that question for a second before you let the answer take over...I'm with the angels on this one. I don't get it. It's so impossible.


Anonymous said...

When you put it perspective like that, comparing us to ants, it makes me realize how small and inignificant the things I worry about are compared to the whole big picture. Today as we were doing the show I was looking out over the audience and thinking about us as if we were ants and just felt overwhelmed at the idea that God loves each one of us and cares about each one of us even when there are so many of us. It's incredible and unfathomable and completely and totally humbling.

Anonymous said...

Good point about our worries in the big picture! Man! You add all the stuff I forget!!!