Friday, February 6, 2009

A Thought on Discipleship

This is not anything amazing, but I was just thinking today about discipleship. I'm studying the book of Mark (as you may know?) right now, and I was thinking about Jesus' disciples. There were only 12 of them. This kinda showed me something important.

When I think about ministry and the big scheme of things, it seems like the big super churches are making a big impact. And maybe they are. I'm not debating that. But I just wanted to point out that Jesus is the Son of God and He only had 12 disciples. Sure, He talked to crowds all the time, but I'm talking about Jesus' everyday personal one-on-one ministry was to only 12 guys.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that even if you only touch like...five people in your lifetime...quality is better than quantity. And frankly, that quality is going to bring about a lot more REAL quantity later. If you have the chance to really minister to someone, they are more likely to minister to someone else. If you have the chance to minister to someone on a day-to-day basis, do it. That speaks volumes more than people showing up for a shallow sermon and then going back to their homes totally unchanged. I'm not saying that sermons are bad. But one-on-one personal genuine friendship . . . That is how to counter hypocrisy. That is how to help people's real needs. That is what Jesus did.

More thoughts on disciples here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO GREAT!!!!!!! I think too many times we fail to realize how we are actually able to minister to each other, to help each other learn and grow in a one on one basis. I'm so thankful that I can count you as an awesome sister in christ who I can share with and grow with and totally learn from. I think this is what being a Christian is all about... not that salvation isn't important but there is so much more to it than just being saved. It's about relationships; our relationship with Jesus and our relationship with others. Totally awesome!!!!!

And I love hearing your testimonies no matter how great or small... it keeps the flame burning...